Become a Member!
Membership in the Sheep Hill Astronomical Association is open to any individual with an interest in astronomy. You need not own a telescope or other equipment to become a member of the Sheep Hill Astronomical Association. Dues requirements are:
Adult (family included): $40.00
Student: $21.25
Senior Citizen: $32.50
Business meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. at the Boonton Senior Community Center. (Email Sheep Hill at for the Meeting info.) The annual dues are payable at the regular January meeting of the Association. For individuals joining the Association after June 1st, the dues will be one half of the regular annual dues. The new member is entitled and encouraged to begin qualification on the use of the 18" telescope housed in Sheep Hill Observatory. All members must be at least 18 years of age to be a "qualified observer". All "qualified observers" must adhere to the rules of operation of the Sheep Hill Observatory.
Club Observing Nights
Occasionally club members will arrange to meet at the observatory when the weather is favorable. Once you are a member you will gain access to the message forum where we arrange these viewing sessions.
Become a Qualified Observer
All members over 18 are entitled and encouraged to begin qualification on the use of the 18” telescope housed in Sheep Hill Observatory.
Special Events
Occasionally the observatory is made available for special viewing nights for local schools and scouting groups. We also open for special astronomical events, like solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, and more.